Interview with Beppe Tenti

“My record-breaking journeys: I have travelled the Silk Road 13 times”

by Riccardo Ferrazzo

His name is Beppe Tenti, and he has covered a lot of ground with his legendary orange trucks. Carrying out humanitarian projects for UNICEF and Umberto Veronesi Association, he has travelled to the most hostile corners of Earth where nature reigns undisturbed. Since 1995, his show Rai 1 is one of the longest-running programs on the public broadcaster.

Beppe, how did the idea of traveling with the now legendary orange trucks come about? 

I wanted to travel from Rome to New York by land in the middle of winter, so I needed four well-equipped trucks: one for sleeping, one for dining, one for a garage space, and one for fuel, as there are times, especially in certain areas, when you travel for days without encountering a living soul or petrol pumps. In the end, we made it. I’m the only person in the world to have travelled the Silk Road 13 times, back and forth.

Among all the expeditions, which one put the most strain on both people and vehicles? 

Undoubtedly, Africa. In certain places, there aren’t even any roads. In Congo, we only covered 60 kilometres in 4 days due to the muddy terrain. In Yemen, they even shot at us because they wanted to kidnap us. Fortunately, we managed to escape.

Which expedition has left the most lasting impression on you? 

All our trips have been beautiful. Covering kilometres, discovering new ways of life and unique food flavours. There isn’t one unique journey that stands out. What leaves a lasting impression are the looks of children, especially in Africa. The greatest emotions, instead, can be found in Asia and Siberia, with villages where people live solely by hunting and fishing.

How challenging is it to organise these trips? 

Very challenging! Each trip involves around fifteen people, including drivers, mechanics, and staff.

In July, we will see you again on Rai Uno, where your son Filippo Tenti will take us on a journey through Uganda, Somalia, and Iraq. As for Jesolo, what memories do you hold? 

I used to come here often as a child, and even after many years, I still remember an anecdote…

Tell us about it!

While I was eating at a restaurant, I helped the owner fix a broken fridge. The restaurateur thanked me by giving me an ice cream, a gift that I greatly appreciated at my young age.

Your motto? 

Setting goals is not enough; you must achieve them.

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Published by: Editor on 19/07/2023


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