by Roberta Guiotto
The traditional magic tree
Can you smell the scent of elderflowers that fills the air these days? It is the prelude to the arrival of summer with its colours: the white of the flowers, the intense green of the leaves, the purple black of the berries. This medicinal plant has many surprises thanks to its great tradition in popular use and the legends connected to it. It is a woody shrub that boasts multiple uses: the flowers are used for infusions and thirst-quenching syrups, or dipped in a batter and cooked like pancakes, or used to make the famous Sambuca liqueur; the berries, on the other hand, are harvested at the end of summer to make jams, inks and dyes for fabrics and yarns, or to colour wine. Elder wood, also known as “witchcraft wood”, has a close link with magic: since the beginning of time, protective amulets were made with its wood and placed around the neck of pregnant animals as a wish for good birth or worn by pregnant women. In the world of Harry Potter, Hermione’s wand is made of elder wood, as is the flute from the fairy tale “The Magic Flute”, capable of enchanting animals and children with its sound. Its conformation causes the branches, when dried, to form an internal cavity that resembles that of a flute, therefore it is used to produce musical instruments, not only in fairy tales. Get close to an elder tree on windy days, you will hear the branches making a sound; this melody gave rise to the legend that witches live inside elder trees. No worries, my little friends, the Elder witches are as good as her fried flowers and syrup… But remember to thank the witch, even if you don’t see her, when you go to pick the flowers.
How about we make a good syrup? We need 20 flower stems, lots of water, 1 kg of sugar and 4 lemons. Wash the flowers thoroughly and boil the water, add the sugar, and mix until it has melted. Add the flowers and lemons cut into thin slices, leave to infuse for three days, mixing twice a day. Filter with a sieve and then with a fine cloth, squeezing well. Boil the mixture for three minutes and pour into a bottle. The syrup must be diluted with water, it can be used to sweeten cakes, to create ice lollies or as a refreshing summer drink.

Published by: Editor on 22/06/2023