Fitness & Training – Myth Busters | Pt.3

by Riccardo Zambon | Doctor of Sport and Physical Performance Science

The web is an exceptional means of searching for information in real time but be careful not to misinterpret certain information or numerous “rumours” without any proof that can be found circulating on the web.

Let’s clarify and dispel some false myths about physical activity, that you might have heard but which has never had a scientific foundation.

Training is only effective if I feel my muscles “burning”.

No. Training is effective when done with criteria and with a logical sense. The famous muscle “burn” that is felt after several repetitions of an exercise is given by the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscle given the lack of oxygen. This type of training is often sought after by body builders to stimulate muscle growth, but it certainly does not represent an indication of the effectiveness of the exercise. A workout can give great results even with a few repetitions which do not lead to muscle burning, but which give an important neural stimulus.

Sweating makes you lose weight.

Sweating makes you lose weight. Yes, the weight of liquids, which is regained by drinking a few glasses of water after training. Losing weight and losing sweat are two totally different concepts. Only water, mineral salts, and waste substances (urea, creatinine…) are expelled with sweat. No fat. Weight loss is given by a set of stimuli given to our body during training and a balanced diet.

Food supplements are indispensable if I train frequently.

There are some extreme cases in which food supplements can be very useful (never indispensable): this is the case, for example, of marathon runners or professional cyclists, who need to replenish the losses caused by physical activity taken to extremes. However, in the case of amateur athletes, or simply those who practice physical exercise to stay in shape, a good diet complete with all nutrients is sufficient in itself to provide all the nutrients our body needs to function at its best. 

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Published by: Editor on 22/06/2023


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