Fitness & Training – Myth Busters | Pt.6

by Riccardo Zambon | Doctor of Sport and Physical Performance Science


The web is an exceptional means of searching for information in real time but be careful not to misinterpret certain information or numerous “rumours” without any proof that can be found circulating on the web. Let’s clarify and dispel some false myths about physical activity, that you might have heard but which has never had a scientific foundation.

Jogging is the best warm-up before a workout.

Running is one of the most complex, articulated, and risky movements our body can perform. Do you think it’s appropriate as a warm-up? Especially before a weight training session where you’ll be static, or worse, sitting, for an hour? The “warm-up” should be tailored to the activity you’re about to perform, activating and preparing your body for the movements required. Joint mobility, in the form of Pilates, is the best choice to prepare for the workout itself. Running should only be done when fully warmed up.

Working out with weights doesn’t lead to weight loss; it only helps bulk up muscles.

Do you know what the best method of training for a healthy and uniform loss of weight is according to scientific research? It is a combination of aerobic (running) and anaerobic (weights) stimuli. This is because our body needs a complete and total stimulus to allow it to use different sources of energy (fats and carbohydrates), gradually eliminating fat mass whilst simultaneously increasing lean mass built through resistance training.

Fatty foods cause weight gain and should be completely removed from our diet.

Fats are an essential component of our body and diet. Therefore, fatty foods don’t necessarily harm our health. What is harmful are processed and refined foods or a completely imbalanced diet that involves extreme consumption of saturated fats. Consuming fats in the right quantity, especially plant-based fats like those found in extra virgin olive oil, helps our body have abundant energy, perform vital functions, and absorb micronutrients like vitamins.

Senza titolo-1

Published by: Editor on 06/09/2023


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