Fitness & Training – Myth Busters | Pt.5

by Riccardo Zambon | Doctor of Sport and Physical Performance Science


The web is an exceptional means of searching for information in real time but be careful not to misinterpret certain information or numerous “rumours” without any proof that can be found circulating on the web.

Let’s clarify and dispel some false myths about physical activity, that you might have heard but which has never had a scientific foundation.


Before starting a training session it is essential to do some stretching

In the scientific literature, there are conflicting studies and opinions regarding stretching. However, dynamic stretching (exercises in motion) is recommended as a warm-up, while static stretching (traditional stretching exercises) after the training session. Always bear in mind that certain exercises, such as squats, if performed correctly, are already an excellent means of improving muscle mobility and flexibility.

To get a sculpted abdomen, just do many sit-ups a day

Abs are built… with food! Yes, because since these muscles mainly have a postural function and are not suitable for hypertrophy, it would not make sense to try to “enlarge” them with infinite series of sit-ups. It is much better to follow a balanced and above all high-quality diet, which prevents body fat from building up. Remember, everyone has abs, sometimes they are just covered, while others they are in plain sight!

It is impossible to build muscle without eating meat

According to some old assumptions, if you don’t eat at least 500 grams of meat, you will never get the amount of protein necessary to build muscles. Well, today we know that replacing meat is possible, thanks to eggs, dairy products, fish and even legumes. There is a wide range of food containing the same amount of protein as meat, moreover varying the protein source is the best way to stay healthy while also obtaining excellent results in terms of muscles.

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Published by: Editor on 08/08/2023


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