by Roberta Guiotto
Sea mosaics in salt dough
Have you ever heard of salt dough? It is a natural alternative to clay and plasticine, which is used for many creations and decorations of all kinds. At the end of this beautiful summer, you can try to shape the salt dough, together with your children, to create beautiful works that will remind you of the sea even in the coldest months. The preparation is really simple and takes very few ingredients that we often have at home: just combine two cups of flour, a cup of salt and water as required (less than a cup) and mix until you get a firm, non-sticky dough, but soft enough to be processed without cracking. To obtain the marine effect, you can replace a spoonful of flour with one of sea sand. Once you have prepared the dough, form a ball with your hands and then flatten it until you get a circle with a thickness of about 1 cm (use an ice cream cup or a glass). Make a small hole with a straw in the upper part to hang the circles, after having decorated them as desired, once they are dry. Then, free your imagination! You can apply the shells found on the shoreline or draw a pattern or an image, or simply decorate your pendants as you wish. On the water’s edge there are not only shells but also coloured pebbles and opaque or smooth pieces of glass, smoothed by the water. Collect some and use them to decorate our mosaic, then let it dry in the sun or on a ventilated windowsill. Once dry, apply a veil of vinyl glue to make the marine mosaic shinier, but also to fix the shells over time. Eventually, hang it on the walls or ceiling with a ribbon. Thus you will get a unique and beautiful memory of your unforgettable holiday on the beach.
in collaboration with Manine verdi