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Hurray for the Holidays

by Elisa Panto

School is over and the summer holidays have just begun! Thanks to warmer days and the desire to have fun, beaches represent the ideal place to play with the sand and take a bath in the sea!

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Sand sculpture competition

Ready, steady… go! The child who makes the most beautiful and original sculpture in half an hour will win an ice cream! The children will be free to choose the subject from the animal or fantasy world, for example, or from fairy tales or cartoons. All the children will be able to create their sculptures with spade, bucket, moulds, shells and plenty of imagination. The choice will be difficult, but, eventually, all the young participants will win!

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Under the sea 

It’s time to put on your mask and snorkel and discover the bottom of the sea! You will find many shells with peculiar shapes, follow a small hermit crab that moves on the sand, admire a crab carried away by the waves, and, if you have a small underwater camera, capture these amazing views to live it again at home in the cold winter months!

In collaboration with La Rana Che Ride
cell. 347 1069611


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