The rebirth of nature between sensations, discovery and adventure. Spring is the most magical season of the year, as nature offers many ideas for enjoying authentic adventures that stimulate the senses of children: smelling the scent of flowers, tasting new fruits, watching insects, listening to the birds and touching herbs and plants.

Walking among the wonders of nature
A nice walk in search of herbs is a simple and ancient activity that can involve children as well. Prehistoric men and women, in fact, hunted, collected and chose what we serve on our table today. Let’s take a basket, a small knife and a book of wild flowers and herbs. We will find the poppy whose young buds are good both cooked and raw and whose leaves are excellent in omelettes; plantain, which can be added to salads and soothes mosquito bites; wild garlic with white flowers; wild asparagus; dandelion, which has many properties and is diuretic, its flowers are used to prepare fake honey or dandelion syrup, to do so, just collect 200 grams of flowers, remove the stem and boil the petals in ½ liter of water for 15 minutes, let it cool, filter the liquid, add 200 gr of sugar and boil again by adding lemon juice. After 15 minutes it thickens like honey and can be used as a sweetener or to treat coughs.
Preserve the magic of spring
Every day a new colour appears around us: the bright green of tulip buds, the yellow of daffodils, the violet of pansies, the white of daisies. Have you ever thought of keeping these beautiful flowers so that you can always admire them? Pressing and drying flowers and leaves is a way to preserve the colours of nature. During a walk, in addition to wild herbs, you can collect also some flowers such as yellow buttercups, pink clovers, poppies, daisies … Now you just need large books, newspaper, tissue paper or absorbent paper to protect the book and the plant from moisture. Let’s start by pressing the flower into the book between the pages, when all the flowers are pressed, stack other books to add weight. After fifteen days, the plants are completely dry and can be used to make greeting cards, bookmarks or beautiful floral squares. To make a bookmark you will need various flowers, coloured cardboard, scissors, tweezers, hole puncher, cotton or raffia thread, brushes and vinyl glue: cut the cardboard into the desired shape, spread the glue and place the flowers using tweezers, make a hole with the hole punch at the base of the bookmark and pass the thread through the hole, then let it dry well. Your floral bookmark is ready.